Around 6,500 millionaires in migration

NOB-India news: The migration of millionaires from our country continues. It is estimated that up to 6,500 millionaires may migrate from our country in 2023. Compared to the 7,500 millionaires who left the country in 2022, this number is expected to decrease in 2023.
Millionaires are those who have a wealth of more than 10 lakh dollars. China leads the way in terms of migration of the rich.

While 10,800 millionaires will migrate from China in 2022, this number is expected to reach 13,500 in 2023. Henley and Partners’ Private Wealth Migration Report states that Britain, Russia, Brazil, Hong Kong, South Korea, Mexico, South Africa, Japan, Vietnam and Nigeria will lose more millionaires this year than last year.

At the same time, Australia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Singapore, America, Switzerland, Canada, Greece, France, Portugal, New Zealand and Italy will welcome more millionaires than last year, according to the report.

Rich people who are migrating heavily from different countries all over the world are showing interest in settling in Australia. In Australia the rich are prioritized based on points. Apart from wealth, Australia is giving more preference to those with professional qualifications. Accountants, doctors, engineers, hi-tech professionals and lawyers are at the top.

According to the report, Australia’s climate, beaches, beautiful natural beauty, safety, security, healthcare system, quality of life, educational opportunities, attractive taxation system and economic system attract immigrants. They tend to migrate to Australia not only from poor and middle-sized countries but also from rich countries.

After China and India, 3,200 people from Britain, 3,000 people from Russia and 1,200 people from Brazil will take the migration path. Australia is a leading destination for migrant workers. According to the report, up to 5,200 foreigners will immigrate to this country in 2023. UAE will attract 4,500 people. Singapore will attract 3,200, America 2,100 and Switzerland 1,800.

Rich people think that UAE is the safest haven. The economic system of this country, very low taxes, healthcare system, real estate sector, international schools and being a luxury hub attract them. The situation has reversed in Britain, which until six years ago attracted the rich from around the world. Currently, a large number of rich people have migrated from that country.

12,500 rich people emigrated from Britain in these six years. In 2023, the report predicts this number will rise to 3,200. Most of the rich migrate because of political stability, low taxation system, personal freedom, safe area and opportunities to lead a luxury life.