BF.7 a sublineage of BA.5 Omicron variant – India


India has been fighting with Omicron variants from November 2021 onwards and though the spread is slow but transmission is been found in various parts of Indian states. Now the Chinese variant BF.7 which has been successfully spread in China have been detected in Indian states too. As per the reports of PTI, the BF.7 strain has the strongest ability to infect as it is transmissible in higher rates. This sublineage can even infect vaccinated people also causing reinfection. So far two cases, one from Gujarat and another from Odisha were reported as BF.7 positive.

The Union government has suggested to send the new sublineage BF.7 samples for genome sequencing as it is the only way to rule out it from other variants. Health minister said to have surveillance strictly over the new cases so that every case can be monitored for further mutation.

The Covid rules such as wearing mask, social distancing and healthy food habits can reduce the transmission as per the government instructions.

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