Covishield company admitted in court that their vaccine has side effects

NOB- Health news: Millions of people in the country have received the Covishield vaccine. The central government directly procured Covaxin and Covishield and distributed it to the people free of charge. About 85 percent of people in India took either Covaxin or CoviShield. Covishield manufacturing company said that in rare conditions, their vaccine can cause blood clots in the body. Due to this, people who took that vaccine all over the country began to tremble.

Even in the past, many studies have revealed that there is a high risk of heart attack among those who have been vaccinated against Corona. Even young people, regardless of age, have also died of this heart attack. Now the company that made CoviShield has admitted the truth before the court, fear of heart attack has started among more people. However, there is no need of fearing medical experts suggest to take some precautions for heart health.  If we want to have a healthy heart and improve its function, we should pay special attention to the food we eat. Eating whenever, wherever, whatever is called binge eating? Binge eating not only increases the risk of heart disease but also increases the risk of problems like obesity and stroke. In addition to these, many people are suffering from overweight, BP, sugar etc., in present times. To check all these, good food should be eaten in moderation. If we reduce junk food and make a habit to eat food rich in vitamins and nutrients, our heart will be safe. It is better to choose lean meat. Giving importance to curd over butter and fruit slices over jam can avoid the problem of trans fats. Eat more lean meat, chicken, fish, pulses, low-fat milk, dairy products and eggs. They are rich in protein. Pulses, beans, peas can be substituted for meat. These are low in fat and contain no cholesterol. Skinless chicken breast makes it easier for the body to absorb protein. Whole grains are rich in fiber and nutrients. Also eat more vegetables and fruits. The properties of vegetables and fruits prevent cardiovascular diseases. Along with food, some physical activity should be done especially walking and jogging. Doing too much gym is dangerous. And by following the mentioned precautions everyone can keep their heart safe.

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