Disease X could be worse than Covid-19

NOB- World news:Global health experts warn of impending ‘Disease X’ epidemic that could kill millions
World Health Experts warn of looming ‘Disease X’ pandemic that could claim millions of lives

Health experts around the world are worried about the possibility of a future pandemic called “Disease X”. They warn that “Disease X” could be far worse than COVID-19. Dame Kate Bingham, former chair of the UK’s vaccine taskforce, has issued a dire warning that the next pandemic will be “Disease X”, claiming at least 50 million lives.

“The next pandemic will be “Disease X”, likely to evolve from an existing virus” paralleled the catastrophic 1918-19 flu pandemic that claimed 50 million lives.

Scientists are closely monitoring 25 virus families, each containing thousands of individual viruses, any of which could mutate into a serious pandemic.

“Imagine Disease X, a disease that has a 67 percent mortality rate like Ebola, is as contagious as measles. Somewhere in the world, it’s spreading, and sooner or later, someone is going to start getting sick.

UK scientists have already started vaccine development efforts targeting ‘Disease X’. More than 200 scientists have focused on animal viruses that can infect humans and spread rapidly around the world. Pathogens under consideration include bird flu, monkeypox, and hantavirus, with hantavirus transmitted by rodents.

Professor Dame Jenny Harries, head of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), emphasized that factors such as climate change and demographic changes are increasing the likelihood of future pandemics. Mentioned the need for proactive preparedness measures.

The World Health Organization (WHO) called the predicted next pandemic “Disease X,” which is already “on its way.”

According to WHO data, COVID-19, which emerged in 2019, has already claimed nearly seven million lives worldwide.