Drugs worth crores of rupees in a private travel bus

NOB_ Drugs caught in private travel bus

NOB-Hyderabad news: The police department is trying hard to make Hyderabad city drug free. Extensive inspections have been carried out. Increased surveillance. In this order, drugs and ganja are seized heavily. The arrest of the Rajasthan gang together on 19.01.2024 has become a sensation. Police seized 150 grams of heroin and 32 grams of MDMA drugs worth one crore rupees from a gang coming from Rajasthan to Hyderabad city in a private travel bus. Rachakonda Police Commissioner Sudheer Babu himself disclosed this matter.

In the joint operation of SOT and Mir Pate Police, this hideout was found. All four accused are from Rajasthan state. At first they became drug addicts and then it was revealed in the investigation that they entered the drug business. They are being brought to Hyderabad city in private travels from the state of Rajasthan and are being sold to customers. The arrested accused have clarified that each gram is being sold for 12 thousand rupees. Police have found that drugs are being delivered to customers through online travel services like Rapido and Uber. It was explained that in Rajasthan, gram is being bought for 5 thousand rupees and in Hyderabad, it is being sold for 12 thousand rupees. Police Commissioner Sudhir Babu said that we are getting information about who bought drugs from the Rajasthan gang in Hyderabad city, where the supply took place, who were among the buyers. More details will be revealed soon.

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