G20 Summit ,Indian government spent 4100 crores

NOB- New Delhi news: India’s arrangements are amazing. It is considered the best of the 18 conferences held since 2008. This showed America, England, Canada, Mexico, Russia and Australia that developing India is growing as a world leader. But events in many countries, including neighboring China, do not stand in comparison to India’s pavilion. Now Brazil is tasked with hosting an event as lavish as India. It may be difficult for Brazil.

The government has not yet submitted any official figures regarding the expenditure of the G-20 summit. But the estimated cost of Rs.4100 crore is coming to the forefront.

In G20, more than 98 percent of the estimated cost of Rs 4100 crore was spent by central agencies like ITPO, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Military Engineer Services and non-central agencies like Delhi Police.

The total estimated cost of the event was estimated by ITPO to be around more than 87 percent of the Rs.3,600 crore bill which has been paid. After this, Delhi Police gave Rs.340 crores and NDMC gave Rs.60 crores.

According to sources, Delhi Public Works Department has spent around Rs.45 crore, Central Road Surface Transport Ministry Rs.26 crore, Delhi Development Authority Rs.18 crore, Delhi Forest Department Rs.16 crore and MCD Rs.5 crore. But the beautification of public places, especially statues, other properties fall under the category of street furniture. If it is not done through corporate social responsibility programs it will cost a lot.

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