House arrest of Xi Jinping ,China president – Beijing under military seizure

NOB_China President

China Prsident Xi Jinping is under house arrest in Beijing, it’s a mysterious thing to world that he has not come out of his house from past two years. On September 14th 2022, he directly attended to 22nd SCO summit held at Samarkand ,Uzbekistan by a special flight. But he didn’t even stayed there till official winding up and not even had informal dinner with his dear friend Putin due to COVID 19 concerns. Media reports are out now that, he will no longer be the president for the third term as Chinese netizens have stormed the Social media that Beijing is under military seizure. So Xi Jinping have to forget about his lust for power. Song Ping was persuaded and the Central Guard Bureau (CGB) was retaken as per the news in China.

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