Impact of Social media on Human relationships

NOB_Social media impact on Human relationships

NOB- Telangana news: Once upon a time, if someone was in trouble in the society, people would help each other. Today, the situation has changed and the culture of thinking about ourselves has increased in the society. How long does a person maintain a human relationship solely for the sake of financial relationships? The idea has grown in the society that if we are together with someone every day, how they can be useful to us. It is very unfortunate that in the end even the connections of family members turn into financial relations. This development has a great impact on human relations. When one of the relatives dies, their relatives pay tribute on social media. There is no occasion to go to their house to console them, at least they did not greet them on the phone. One of the brothers wished the other on their birthday through social media. There is a wedding at the house of one of the close friends and the wedding card is posted in the WhatsApp group. But not physically invited. Why have human relationships, affections and attachments changed like this? Family members living in the same house stop greeting each other and send WhatsApp messages.

In joint families all the family members lived together. Elders in that family used to teach personality development to the family members without their knowledge. Children learn from their behaviour. They would guide them as to how they would become good citizens in the society in the future. Joint families have disappeared in today’s modern age. Nuclear families were formed. In these nuclear families individual interests have increased. Relationships and connections with the rest of the family in the society have decreased. In the past, when family members, relatives and friends met, they used to share their experiences and lay the paths for the future happily. Today the situation has completely changed. Everyone is using smartphones instead of physically talking when they meet, misusing precious time on social media and avoiding relationships and affections.

In the modern world, the main reasons for human relationships to become financial relationships are selfishness, lack of social consciousness, social media, staying away from joint families etc., Conversations between two people in a healthy environment are likely to strengthen the human relationship between them. It has been a long time since people stopped interacting physically due to the influence of social media. They are making good use of social media as a platform for their gestures. They are sharing their happiness and sorrows through social media platform. Spending more time on social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram share chat, they are getting away from physical communication, love, and affection.

Friends on social media are considered to be real friends. As a result, they are physically separated from their friends at the student stage, at work and in social life. Posting posts on social media and seeing the likes and comments is a celebration for them. If they do not come, they suffer. They are getting depressed mentally. They are moving away from direct feelings. If there is truth in the posts on social media, they are getting used to the method of showing it like a hill. Wandering in the world of imagination. They are showing on social media that there is something that is not there. It is like a hinderance for the comprehensive development and development of the individual. According to the State of Mobile-2023, Indians spend an average of five hours online using smart phones every day. Indians have the eighth highest number of smartphone users in the world. Valuable time is wasted on social media.

33.4% of Indian population are active social media users. They spend approximately 2.6 hours on social media every day. Observing this, the political parties will be campaigning heavily through the social media platform in the upcoming elections. Political parties used social media a lot in previous elections. People are more likely to spend more time on social media during election time. Social media company owners who have noticed the needs of the people are reaping their rewards. Making crores. Apps are designed specifically to attract people to spend more time on social media. The advice of psychologists and marketing managers is being taken for this. Corporate companies are owners of social media pushing their agendas on people without their knowledge. So there are many cases where people are deceived into believing the propaganda of political parties.

Moral values followed by parents, society, education, reading books and profession are very important in making a person to become a perfect personality. Away from all these, they live their lives only on social media and are not perfected. Losing love and affection. Thinking that only making money is living purposefully. There are many things that can be done through social media for the welfare of the society and it is also very useful for the people. At the same time human relations are completely damaged by misuse of social media.

It is the responsibility of the teachers to teach moral values, human relations, love, and affection to the students at an early age and it is the responsibility of the government to include these in the education system. The society has the responsibility to make students and youth humane and good citizens and not money machines. If from childhood students learn to be socially conscious and help them, when they grow up they will become useful in community service. Human relationships are likely to turn into relationships of love and affection rather than relationships of economic necessity.

– Pakala Shankar Goud Social analysts. 9848377734.

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