Onions price reaching high

NOB- Bharat news: Onion prices in the country are showing tears to the common man. The prices of onions are increasing in the last few days. Market sources say that the main reason for this is the low supply of onion. Maharashtra, the leading onion producing state in the country, is said to be in short supply due to drought-like conditions. Due to this, onion prices have increased by 30 to 50 percent in the last two weeks in the country. In this order, there are allegations that some traders are stockpiling onions and making the prices rise further, and are trying to sell them after the prices rise. In this order, there is a demand that the central government should intervene to control the prices.

When it comes to onion prices in Hyderabad, the retail price has increased by about 25 percent and the wholesale price by 15 percent. A year ago retail prices of onions were Rs. 20 while the wholesale price is Rs.1,581.97 per quintal. Current retail prices per kg are Rs. 40 to Rs. 50. A month ago, the price of onion was between Rs.20 and Rs.30 per kg. Onion prices have increased drastically within a month. However, traders say that there is a huge domestic demand for onions in the wake of Bakrid on June 17th 2024. On the other hand, market analysts are predicting that onions may cross Rs.50 to Rs.60 per kg as the new kharif crop is not available until September and October of 2024. Maharashtra, which produces more than 42 percent of the country’s onion, has experienced a 15 to 20 percent drop in production due to severe drought conditions. Statistics show that 27 districts of Maharashtra face deficit rainfall ranging from 20 to 45 percent.

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