Science that is elusive to scientists is in Mahabharata

NOB_ Mahabharata a pile of scientific advances

NOB- Bharat History: Some historians say that, it will be more than 5,000 years since Vyasa wrote the Mahabharata. 5 thousand years ago there was no other language in the world except Sanskrit. It is still great to write scripture in a way that no one else can. There is no other history, such literature as Mahabharata, it is strange that even after 5000 years no other such great literature has come. India tells the great history of that time, Mahabharata tells us many things that are still unknown to science.

Some of them are:

There are many miracles in Adiparvam in Mahabharata. Especially the story of the birth of Dhritarashtra, King Pandu, by Vyasa through Niyoga Dharma to Amba and Ambalika. Vidura is born to a maid servant. What is strange about this? Three sons will be born here and how did Vyasa decide this.

In 1974, at the University of Iowa, two scientists named Donald Locke researched this and informed the world that the state of mind of a woman during intercourse determines the sex of the child. Sperm donation that we use today is from that time. The method of assignment is the same.

Gandhari was jealous of Kunti and hit her womb and the fetus fell down. Vyasa came and kept the embryos in 101 pots filled with cow ghee and kept them hidden by a method, he asked Gandhari to touch them every day, and by the touch of mother’s love the embryos in those pots grew outside as well. These are divided into three types by today’s modern doctors.

Slicing Embryos In medical language

1. Slicing Embryo

2. Artificial Uterus creating an environment similar to an artificial womb.

3. Mother’s touch

Those who were born as test tube babies – Vasishtha and Agastya. Dronacharya, Krutu, Krupi. That is, it is surprising that it was known 5,000 years ago that from woman’s ovaries the egg cell were collected and outside of the uterus along with nutrients around the sperm cells were released in those days! Drona is called Kumbhasambhava which means one born in a special pot.

And Shikhandi’s role:-

Transgender Transsexual Gender change. It has been around since the time of Mahabharata when Amba became Shikhandi to kill Bhishma. Shikhandi is a character born as the first female child with male characteristics. Now we are also seeing the surgery of what we call Transsexualism. A Yaksha gave her psychiatric treatment. Being born as a female child and then become fully male.

Role of Universe:-

Temporary Trans-sexualism is now hermaphroditism in modern science. This is the process of becoming a man after being a woman for a while, because of Urvashi’s curse, the curse did the same to Arjuna during his exile in Viratparavam.

Balarama who grew up in the womb of two mothers:-

This was made possible by the embryo transformed into Rohini’s womb by Yoga Maya.

Today’s scientific explanation for this is:-

A new concept called Effortless reciprocal IVF has come recently, but on 3rd November 2018, if we take out the Eenadu paper and one of the amazing things in it is that two young women fell in love and got married in America. But they both wanted to have a child. But how can it be two young women, nature will not agree! But it was done by Bedford hospital in Texas. Through IVF, an embryo grows in one mother’s womb for a few days and in another mother’s womb for a few days.

Jarasandhu character

He became Jarasandha because he was pacified by the demon Jara. Recently in modern medicine Replantation surgery, if any part of their body is severed in accidents, if it is immediately taken to the hospital and if surgery is done, the severed part can be attached to the body and it can be again work normally. In 1962, a hand was amputated in Boston, it was attached and doctor got an award too.

Arjuna- Sammohana’s seduction is another oddity. We know that he used it during the war against the Kauravas along with the Uttara Kumara. (Shown to us in the movie Nartanashala). This is what we got from Mesumer in 1770 but mesumerisum, BV Pattabhiram, Andhra Pradesh, PC Sarkar have done it. This was the case during the Mahabharatha War. Many astras and shastras are also used. Example: Brahmastram, Narayanastram, Pasupatastram etc., This is the nuclear explosion on Hiroshima Nagasaki on 06-Aug-1945 in the middle of the world war.

Principles of Physics

Nasato vidyate baho na bhavan vidyate satah, which means that the existing cannot be completely destroyed, nor can it be created from the non-existent. Matter becomes energy, Energy becomes matter. E=mc2. When asked about the Open Hymer atomic bomb, the foreigner explained the  verse of Divi Surya Sahasrascha in Gita. Vishwarupa visit of Shri Krishna to the blind Dhritarashtra is equivalent to the explosion of an atomic bomb. The Mahabharata says that he saw this cosmic form. That means for them too. That’s as much power as blind can also see. Indians in Mahabharata have been done and shown many such things. This is what foreigners are doing in modern times now. Our ancestors did it thousands of years long ago.

AA Garbosky scientists collected skeletons from Haryana and investigated the radioactivity in them. He was surprised and said this. It is said in Mahabharata that they used weapons that were greater than anything we use now but they kept them secret so that the ineligible would not know about them. Macro and micro vision of the growth of the body has also been explained by the world famous science fiction author Osimmum, macro is big and micro is small.

We are unable to identify the things that many foreigners have identified in the Mahabharata. Our texts contain science technology beyond our imagination. Ignorant people who cannot know such things say that what is in the original Mahabharata and the Puranas is all trash. Our misfortune is that if we believe that the westerners have researched our legendary legends and we think it’s new. Let’s think for future generations. In our historic legends. Let us explain the greatness. Let us not be ignorant.

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