Telangana governor thanksgiving to PM Modi on women reservation bill

NOB_ Women reservation bill

NOB- Hyderabad news: Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan said that she is happy that the President has signed the Women’s Reservation Bill. The Governor organized a thanksgiving meeting at Raj Bhavan on the Women’s Reservation Bill.

On this occasion, she thanked Prime Minister Modi for giving them 33 percent reservation.

Once I was a BJP leader, now I am a governor. She stayed away from the medical profession because of her love for politics. Male dominance is more in politics. When I became governor, there was not a single woman minister. By the time she became governor, two women had become ministers. There are people who throw flowers at me.There are people who throw stones at me. If they throw stones at me, I will build a building with them. If they put pins on me, I will write my history book with the blood that comes out of those pins. Not everyone wants to please everyone. Even if flowers are thrown on me, stones are thrown on me, I will be invited. Have the power to do good deeds. I don’t care about any insults until I work for the people”, the governor revealed.