WHO confirms, B1617 variant found in 17 countries causing surge in second wave

By the evidence of sequences of samples uploaded in open access data base GISAID(the Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data), WHO confirms that atleast 17 countries  are showing B1617 variant in the second wave surge.

GISAID is a German non-profit organization that was launched in 2016 and helps in sharing of flu genomes throughout the world. As per the available data, most of the genomes of B1617 variant are reported from UK, US, India, Singapore. India accounts for 38 percent of global cases reported in past week in second wave.

This B1617 is said to be a ‘Variant of interest’ rather than a ‘Variant of concern’ by WHO as it contains mutations from two separate virus variants E484Q and L452R. The South African, British and Brazilian variants of Covid-19 were considered as Variants of concern by WHO.

WHO also said as per the GISAID preliminary data that B1617 has a high growth rate than other circulating variants in India making it potential in transmitting along with other variants also.

Unless the transmission chain is broken, it is highly impossible to get the virus not to be mutated further. Herd immunity also can be best achieved by breaking the chain of spreading. So, wearing mask, maintaining social distance and personal hygiene and most importantly not to panic and have a pleasant and calm mind can improve the immunity as well as recovery rate as suggested by experts.

In next three to four weeks, the incubation period of virus will be at end so there is every chance of surge in cases as per the WHO announcement, so better stay at home unless it is  an emergency to break the chain of  spreading.

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