Wonderful benefits of olive oil daily use

NOB- Health news:The use of olive oil while cooking is very common. On the other hand, olive oil is also considered as a health secret for skin and hair. But did you know that the use of olive oil is also good for health? Yes, from boosting the brain to keeping the heart healthy, there are 5 amazing benefits of using olive oil. Many people use refined i.e. light olive oil. Meanwhile extra virgin and virgin olive oil are also easily available in the market. Although using extra virgin olive oil is considered optimal for health.
Adding extra virgin olive oil to daily diet is healthy. In fact, olive oil helps improve blood flow by regulating the body’s blood pressure. This keeps the heart functioning properly and also reduces the risk of heart disease.
Using common oils while cooking can lead to accumulation of unhealthy fat in the body. It can also cause you to have a stroke. In such a situation, by using olive oil instead of regular cooking oils, you can reduce the risk of stroke by 40 percent.
Olive oil can also prove to be a brain booster for the brain. Please tell me that taking olive oil does not cause dementia like Alzheimer’s. Along with this, the recalling capacity of the mind also increases. This makes things memorable for a long time.
Olive oil also has anti-cancer properties. With its help you can also overcome diseases like cancer. Adding olive oil to the diet may reduce the risk of breast, stomach and endometrial cancer.
Olive oil is also considered the best source of antioxidant elements. In such a situation, olive oil helps in repairing the damaged cells in the body. This greatly reduces the risk of disease.

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